Friday, May 15, 2009

Episode 213

I think it might be futile to post any of my theories about LOST -- as brilliant as they are -- after the mind-blowing season finale. There's a time and place for that kind of thing: and it's called "all the time" and "Lostpedia."

One thing I would like to comment on, however, is how well TV producers/directors/writers (I don't know who's actually in charge) know their audiences. We have been anxiously waiting to find out the fates of Bernard and Rose and nothing, I repeat nothing, was going to satisfy us. They can't be dead, or we'd cry. They can't be alive and still on the island, or we'd cry. They can't be alive and off the island, because Rose would then be dying of cancer and... we'd cry.

Well, they found the loophole (LOST pun intended). They are alive, and they are on the island... but they're HAPPY.  That's all we wanted.  (And yes, I cried.)   If only Sawyer hadn't ruined the whole moment by looking at Kate instead of Juliet. WTF, Sawyer? Is Juliet just your Karen Filipelli? So uncool. I know Kate looks super hot when she's all sweaty, but you need to grow a pair.

P.S. I know I'm a day behind on finale week, but I am so traumatized by the fact that Jim and Pam are having premarital sex that I'm not quite ready to blog about it.

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