Monday, October 19, 2009

Episode 312

If we can all suspend disbelief for a moment here, let's just say that reports news stories (though we have all known for a very long time that this is untrue). What I discovered today is that -- if is a news website -- we are better off getting our news from The Office. This incredible program has been on American airwaves since 2005 (and Office Space -- a screen shot from which they use in the article! -- was six years before that) and just now CNN is reporting the premise of this show under the category of "Latest News". Latest news! "Four Obnoxious Attitudes in the Office" is the title of the article, and the four categories delineated are "the suck-up", "the naysayer", "the drama queen", and "the star of the show". Yes, these categories would have better been labeled as "Dwight/Andy", "Stanley", "Kelly", and "Michael", but that's not even my beef. Label it as you may, THIS IS NOT NEWS. This is -- if it's anything at all -- really good TV.

And in this really good TV, the office does not, as the author of this article claims, "lack an open bar and a karaoke machine". Kudos to the Scranton branch for finally laying that myth to rest.

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