Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Episode 117

I know this doesn't have a lot of mass appeal, but I absolutely cannot resist writing an entry about the ABSOLUTE ABSURDITY that has gone down on The Bachelor the past two days. Last night, in After the Final Rose: Part 2, Jason shamed me (personally) into not making judgments about him or his life. So I won't -- he's right, it's petty.  I'll just give you the facts (stop me if anything I say isn't verifiable fact):

For the first time in Bachelor history, the bachelor, Jason Mesnick, picked the girl America loved (Melissa), only to dump her in front of millions of viewers about 8 minutes later -- it was 6 weeks real time, but it sure felt like 8 minutes to me.

It gets better (read: worse). He then confesses that he's still in the love with the girl he didn't pick and when he tells second-place girl, they MAKE OUT! He literally just broke up with his FIANCEE and he's making out with another woman. No matter how much self-proclaimed integrity he has (and yes, I know he's a real person with real feelings and a real life), that's just cruel to Melissa.

Just to recap: Jason: chose this instead of this.

Anyway, I'm sure they're all wonderful people and I hope no one's life is ruined over this, but the least Jason can do to redeem himself is be humiliated on national television. So thank you, Jimmy Kimmel.

1 comment:

  1. Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn Melissa is smokin' hot. Jason is an idiot.

    Also, I didn't see part two last night, but um... Jason, if you go on a reality tv show and open your love life for the entire tv-watching American public, they are going to make judgments about you. That's the whole point of the show. It's not about finding you a wifey, it's about your life as ENTERTAINMENT. so get over it.

    Where's Melissa? I'll be her boyfriend.
