To Cancel or Not to Cancel?
That is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the studio apartment to stick with cable or to relish in the glory of the Roku.
The run-down, based on pros. Yeah, the glass is always half full when it comes to TV.
- The Olympics
- Getting to hear Alton and Bobby make fun of Giada. RICOTTA!
- Tear-jerking contemporary routines on So You Think You Can Dance
(i.e., Netflix):
- Watching shows from the 90s and 00s that I never got to watch when they aired. We're talking Ugly Betty, Felicity, My So-Called Life, and so I don't seem like a total loser, Sports Night.
- Unlimited, convenient reruns of The Office and How I Met Your Mother, two of the best rewatch value shows of all time.
- That cool clicking sound it makes as you spend more time scrolling through your choices than you actually spend watching them.
you throw Hulu Plus into the mix, all signs point to Roku. Speak now,
or forever hold your peace.
If it were not for live sports, I would very much consider cutting the, cable. Fiona and I are rocking AppleTV a lot these days, which also just got Hulu+.