Thursday, March 4, 2010

Episode 416

I had a non-TV watching friend tell me today that reading my blog was like "walking into a party and realizing you don't know anyone else who was invited" -- I think that he hit the nail on the head. Have you ever tried to listen to people talk about a television show you've never seen? It's awkward, confusing, and not that much fun (sorry for anyone who ever has to spend time with me, by the way).

So instead of writing about how perfectly perfect Modern Family was last night, or finally commenting on Jake and Vienna (thumbs up on my end, by the way, especially after seeing them together on Ellen), I would just like to give a nod to a few YouTube gems that I spent some time with today. For those of you who feel like you don't know anyone at the party, these may not be for you, but at least they'll prove that me blogging about television is about a zero on a scale of zero to obsessed-with-TV.

These people, whatever awesome place they come from, have decided to do the most bizarre thing ever and re-create the intro to LOST using various non-LOST-like sitcom theme songs and intros. As far as titles, some of the most absurd are Loston Legal, Battlestar: Lostica, The Lost Bunch, LSI, and the not-as-punny Lost Anatomy. But although these people cutely changed the names, it's the actual product that counts, so I thought I would share some of my favorites.

Let me tell you that this was hard to narrow down, but I've managed to choose my three favorites. First, we have a show that, as I've mentioned before, is quite akin to LOST: Survivor. Next, an example that almost makes us wish LOST were a sitcom: Friends. And finally, the most bizarrely brilliant mash-up (and I'll make you click to find out what this one is), which made me cry, either from pure hilarity or possibly just the sheer awkwardness of it all.

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