Thursday, January 28, 2010

Episode 408

Since the State of the Union address aired last night, I think it's obvious what I'll be posting about today.

American Idol.

Neil Patrick Harris's appearance as a guest judge was a stroke of pure genius and a nice change of pace from the surprisingly bitchy and condescending Avril Lavigne. In any case, if Harris's stint on Idol is any indication of what his alleged guest role on Glee will be like, the answer is -- wait for it -- awesome. Other than the twelve-too-many Doogie Howser jokes made (that's on Fox, not NPH), it was pure bliss -- particularly when he began hum-harmonizing to the theme song from Barney. And no, there's no double-HIMYM-meaning anywhere in that.

Last night we also saw Randy at his best. In addition to such profound musical guidance as "No, dude, I mean, really, right?" Randy completely overturned the rules of mathematics, telling several people that he was voting "a million percent yes" and even giving one lucky auditioner "a billion percent yes" (that's 1,000,000,000% for those of you who wanted to visualize). That really makes Kara's 110%s and Simon's definitelies and absolutelies seem quite tame.

For those of you who were watching DVRed Obama instead of American Idol (I know more people still vote for president than American Idol, but not by much) -- there was a worth-watching TV commentary in song on last night's episode. This guy should musical blog. With Neil Patrick Harris.

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